Christmas. It gives us so much to look forward to each year. The magic of giving, time off with the family, seeing our little ones eyes light up on Christmas morning or perhaps even holidays. We caught up with a few of our Real Active Ambassadors to find out what Christmas means to them and share a little bit of how they will be celebrating this year.

@thebodycoach_cw - Charisse
All I want for Christmas is to press pause on life right now. I keep hearing friends, family (myself!) saying “far out time flies, how is 2021 almost over?” Admittedly in the past I have been a little frustrated with the festive season, it’s the busiest time for me personally with my business and all of the end of year catch ups, concerts and we are smack bang in the middle of harvest.
However…I caught myself in my thoughts last week and reminded myself that this is hands down my most favourite time of the year and to stop wishing it away. I made a decision and promise to myself to cut some slack and give myself a break. I am choosing to be in each day and moment throughout the lead up to Christmas and on the day. Regardless of schedules and to do lists, I'm choosing to say “no” more, and be present with myself and loved ones.
I love to watch my children wait with anticipation for that wonderful morning to arrive. It is always spent with immediate family whether it be on actual Christmas Day or throughout the lead up, we each pour our heart into some delicious food to share amongst each other. It is always a bittersweet time as we reminisce about those who are no longer with us to share this special time.

@seeinglessofsarah - Sarah
Christmas to me means spending time with the ones that I love while celebrating a long year. Growing up on a farm meant that Christmas Day was a time for the work to finally pause, a day to put your feet up.
As a kid, we'd come home from Christmas Eve Mass, put the carols on the TV, and mum and I would sing along at the top of our lungs whist my brother and Dad shook their heads at us. In 2018, Mum and I finally went to the Carols in person and it was amazing!
This year we're hosting Christmas at our place for the third year. It's a small family Christmas with both our immediate family's (except my brother & his fiance who are staying on the farm).

@shalamarwati - Shalamar
Christmas to me is all about family, definitely lots of yummy food and all about the kids and just LOVE! Every Christmas morning we have croissants with cheese, bacon, and mayo deeeelish; and mimosa’s. Also, ‘elf on the shelf’ makes an appearance on 1st December and always brings an advent calendar and PJ’s.
We have just had daddy/hubby return after five months away in Australia, so this Christmas we are going camping, road tripping and lots and lots of swimming. Just good quality family time.

@melanie_waring - Melanie
To me, the meaning of Christmas is to celebrate Jesus’s birth and also to spend quality time with family and friends. Every Christmas on December 1 we have two elves that come and play havoc in our home, Elfy and Suzie. We also go to Church every Christmas Eve as a family and go driving afterwards to look at our town's Christmas lights. My husband also cooks up a big ham every year on Christmas morning.
This year we will open presents with our children when we wake up, have a nice family breakfast, then we will spend lunch time with my husband's family. To finish the day we will then head to my Mum and Dads to celebrate with my family for dinner.

@effkaydee - Felysia
For me, Christmas is all about good food and good times with great company, whether that be family or friends who we have made family. This is my first Christmas in my own home with my fiancé and our beautiful cat - an opportunity to start our own traditions! I've kept the tradition of putting up my decorations on December 1st and love burning Christmas scented candles in my house to make it smell like gingerbread and all the delicious things Christmas brings!
We will be spending Christmas Day with my future mother-in-law's family and then having our first Christmas dinner party at our house with our parents and grandparents a couple of days later.

@gym_secretsclothing - Sara
Christmas to me, is a time where we spend as much time with friends and family. Living in Melbourne and with all our family in NSW, we do not get to see our families that often - Covid has definitely made that a thousand times harder. This year, we have two kids, one my family haven’t met yet, so it’s going to be beautiful and amazing to see everyone. We also lost my grandfather (Nonno) this year. I have not been home and missed his funeral due to Covid restrictions, so finally getting to my grandfather's grave site is going to be huge. Family is so important to me. I miss everyone, especially my grandfather.
We usually spend the whole day with our families (this year we will be in my home town). We wake up and have breakfast with my immediate family, where we open presents. Then the rest of the day is spent visiting the remaining family. Such a big day and I love every moment of it.
I am really looking forward to getting to NSW with no issues this year, and enjoying the time we get to spend with our families. I want to recognise and enjoy the small things, and be 110% grateful for what we have and how we can celebrate Christmas together.

@perfectlyimperfectkris - Kris
Christmas to me is a time to reflect, sit in gratitude and love and give to others. It’s about the magic of Christmas and the spirit of giving. Christmas is my favourite time of year as we are together and surrounded by love, laughter, and it’s a day that’s all about family, being together and creating memories.
Tradition wise, we always have a Christmas Eve Box and movie night and then head off looking at Christmas Lights. I also love decorating and handwriting cards. And now both my boys are older, they play Santa and get an allowance to purchase a gift (or what they decide within their budget) for someone less fortunate. Having been in a situation where I have not been able to have a Christmas and being supported, it is important for me to teach the kids and give back to others who are in need.
This Christmas will be one where we remember a few angels and we will light a candle and have a family Christmas lunch in honour of those no longer here. It will be very different but special and remembering fond memories and moments with love, and gratitude to have experienced Christmas’ past. We will also connect and head to the beach this year with a picnic to be in our happy place. Whatever we do, we will be together.

Thank you to our amazing ambassadors for sharing their Christmas stories. We hope all our ambassadors and Real Active family have an amazing and safe Christmas. We look forward to connecting with you all again in 2022.

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